WHY to go for Burnout coach programs
Intelligent Bodywork Burnout coach therapy goes deeper than the regular psychotherapy
Differently from other practitioners, we research how does your brain link emotions and body symptoms. Also what is the most effective way to get it out. You get to talk, to analyze, to feel, to breath, to relax your body and to let go. In many creative ways, we treat physical depletion and mental stress together. This helps to achieve the best possible results.
We are schooled in a variety of methods and have a wide knowledge of apply. Due to that we have the experience to spot what works faster for you. This may help to save your time. In our practice, you are not a number, nor simply a diagnose. We watch entirely what you may need to get better, but may not even know existing.
We qualify in body therapies and psycho-social therapies. Moreover, we hold degrees in medical and psychological care for complementary specialists. All our methods are accredited and annually controlled by a professional organizations LVNT & RBCZ. About the therapist>>
Give up LACK of ENERGY
How does it work?
Did you know that blood pressure peaks, heart palpitations or hyperventilation may be the physical expression of fear, stress or burnout? If you are exhausted we can choose from a few physical sessions that can calm your nervous system to give the first shot of energy and to fill this lack temporarily. In the second phase we work with you on your body awareness to see when it puts the stress alarms on and shuts your energy level down. Furthermore, we search together with you if there are practical reasons which cause energy leakage. Also, weather there are any emotional blocks which need to resolve. We provide professional support to help you to seek the way out of it. Get a personalized program
First Aid for burnout & exhaust
When there is no verbal reprocessing possible, one of the alternatives are Intelligent Bodywork physical treatments, which work as the first aid support, that helps to restore basic feelings of security and tranquility after great physical or mental shock, months before the person is ready to reprocess the situation verbally. Get in touch